Both ranchers and organizations in Montana tasked with dealing with predation by grizzlies and wolves are feeling the pinch of increasing predator attacks. The Livestock Board, which supports livestock communities by reducing the impacts of predators, issued an advisory of sorts to assist farmers and ranchers:
We just received a call (August 9) from USDA Wildlife Services. Currently predation from wolves, grizzly bears and mountain lions is at an extreme high volume. Their specialists are backed up two to four investigations deep and it is increasing daily. Please be patient with them, leave messages and do what you can to protect the evidence of the kill such as placing a tarp over it. Take pictures of the animal including bite marks up close and further back so they can see the location. Also if you see tracks take pictures of them and if possible lay a tape measure across the length and width of the tracks with pictures to help the specialist know their size.
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation supports the science-based management of wolves and other predators. RMEF fully embraces the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, which holds that fish and wildlife belong to all citizens and are to be scientifically managed through hunting and other means, so thriving populations can be sustained forever.