Elk NetworkHosting Elite Fundraising Events

Volunteer Newsletter | September 16, 2024


Many RMEF chapters do a tremendous job hosting high-quality events that are well organized and executed. Some key components to hosting such elite fundraising events include atmosphere, energy and event flow. By sharing some of the best ideas that make these events elite, RMEF chapters can learn and improve their own events.

The following ideas are from lead volunteers and staff.

Before the Event

  • Table sales: a group that sits together has a better overall experience and adds positive energy to the room. Selling reserved tables with meals, memberships and other benefits helps build energy and excitement that is contagious to other tables. Your regional director can help supply guidance and a table-building planning budget spreadsheet to ensure appropriate items are included and prices are charged.
  • The event facility’s capacity should be navigated cautiously. If an event is oversold, it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and can have negative impacts. Know your capacity before you open ticket sales, keeping in mind you may need to account for some overage in seating (i.e., 200 seats may only seat 190 people without reserved table sales).
  • Including donor names and logos in your event program and on video screen presentations built prior to your event adds donor benefit at no additional charge. Create a looping PowerPoint that highlights donor recognition to run during your social hour. This presentation can also be used to share accomplishments and other information you want attendees to see.

Event Organization

  • The first interaction with attendees is at event check-in. Ensure you have a smooth and quick check-in process that is well-staffed. A long check-in line can be frustrating for attendees. Another suggestion is to provide a separate check-in line for table attendees, so they are ushered more quickly through the line.
  • Ensure your room atmosphere and branding is top-notch! Use RMEF banners, displays and tablecloths so when attendees enter the room, they know it is an RMEF event, not just another fundraiser.
  • Quality and experienced emcees and auctioneers can elevate an event to a new level! Not only should your emcee and auctioneer be well-spoken and entertaining, but they should be educated on RMEF’s mission and the event’s activities.
  • For many chapters, the chapter chair or co-chair acts as the event’s floor manager. Keeping an event organized and on time is critical to building and keeping energy. The floor manager and emcee work together to maintain pacing and prevent any downtime. It is best practice to have a detailed timeline of events that outlines minute-by-minute what is happening during the event.
  • Always use the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance and make sure there is an American flag on the stage. Many events also hold a prayer before the start of dinner.
  • A quality sound system is vital. Without one, it is difficult to understand the auctioneer and will kill the energy in the room. A sound system is not something to skimp on. If needed, consult with your regional director to see if an investment in renting a quality system may be better than using the facility’s house PA system.
  • Playing background music during the social hour helps build energy and atmosphere. Assign someone to oversee and implement an appropriate playlist.
  • Limited odds raffles that sell out quickly help build excitement when giving away prizes. When people win things, everyone is excited!


  • Have a mixture of price points for raffles at your event. Don’t be afraid to have raffles that cost $100 or even $250 per ticket, with limited entry and better odds. Have high-quality firearms at a higher price point for these raffles. For example, sell 25 tickets at $100 each for a rifle that costs $900 but has a $1,500 value.
  • Set a standard for the merchandise at your banquet, especially with your general raffle. Many attendees complained in the past that they “spent hundreds of dollars and all they won was a hat.” Focusing on quality prizes instead of a large quantity can help attendees feel good about their experience.
  • The perception and value of your event is higher if you make more valuable items available. Items like the HGA Vacation trips in your silent auction may not sell, but the opportunity and worth add a higher value to the event.



  • Supply RMEF mission accomplishment info by using videos, handouts and placemats. Attendees are likely to take the banquet program home with them so make sure to include mission information in it!
  • Make check presentations during dinner that highlight how local mission dollars are spent.
  • Use RMEF videos to promote mission work. RMEF regularly releases films that promote the work we do. You will find them on RMEF’s YouTube channel. These films help build momentum before the live auction, highlighting both the work being done and the money attendees spend. Your regional director can also pull resources from RMEF’s digital asset media base.

Live Auction

  • Don’t be afraid to spend money on a good auctioneer. They are worth the investment.
  • Hire an auctioneer who is familiar with RMEF and understands how we work. If an auctioneer sees our auctions and merchandise multiple times per year, their experience should help your live auction.
  • Meet with the auctioneer and emcee prior to make sure they understand all the live auction details, work well together and that their personalities complement one another. Assemble a specific program for the emcee and auctioneer that includes costs, FMVs, which items can be sold in multiple fashions, how many of them can be sold and the price point for each item. In other words, set a goal of what you expect the product to bring.
  • Having a PowerPoint with high-quality pictures of auction items is often necessary in a larger banquet room. It also makes the event more professional and ensures your audience knows what is being sold.
  • Quality auction spotters (ring crew) not only help keep track of bids during the live auction, but they help generate energy and act as a cheerleader for the crowd and bidders. Just like the auctioneer and emcee, a good ring crew can add significant revenue to your bottom line.


Implementing some, or all, of the above will help ensure your event atmosphere, energy and event flow are at an elite level. Make sure you keep the word FUN in your event.