YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEBE SAFEAlways wear a helmet.Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.Never let kids operate an adult-sized vehicle.Stay out of double trouble—never carry a passenger unless your ATV is specifically designed for two riders.Stay off the pavement.Never drive faster than conditions allow.BE GOODAlways know the access rules before you ride in elk country. Then obey them.Never leave designated roads or trails unless you have clear permission from the governing agency or private landowner.When it’s time to hunt, get off and walk.No roadhunting and never chase, herd or shoot animals from an ATV or UTV.Respect thy neighbor. Stick with the golden rule and you can’t go wrong.Wash your ATV or SxS before transporting to make sure you don’t introduce invasive species from one area to another.
Elk NetworkIf you own an ATV or UTV, the RMEF urges you to Ride Right.
Gear 101 | August 27, 2017

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